The Studio CArmel

YOga and creative arts for Kids

Kids Yoga


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Yoga is for everyone and we believe in its life-changing benefits.

Young woman having fun with kids doing yoga


We are honored to be a part of guiding our young students in this journey.


for StudENTS K-6

Yoga can help students develop

socio-emotional skills, self esteem, self- image, health and fitness. Yoga has also been shown to increase attention span, increase emotional regulation and academic performance.

Yoga classes outside on the open air. Kids Yoga,
Yoga classes outside on the open air. Kids Yoga,


what programs do you offer?

We partner with elementary school to create an enhanced after school experience with yoga, art and creative arts in support of district learning goals

who are your instructors?

We partner with certified yoga instructors that have a passion to bring the benefits of yoga to young students.

Where can my child attend?

Contact us with the name of your school district, and we'll do our best to bring classes to your child's school.

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Studio Carmel

(831) 877-0730

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